Definition of Noise pollution
Noise pollution is basically any form of noise which has potential to disrupt the normal functioning of any natural ecosystem or some human community.The main sources of noise pollution are coming from transportation and construction systems.Noise pollution is not only causing environmental damage but it also has negative impact on human health as it can cause conditions such as aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, etc.Noise pollution is especially serious issue in our seas and oceans, especially for creatures such as dolphins and whales. Noise pollution has very negative impact on hearing sense of these animals, which makes certain activities of these species such as hunting for prey and navigation very difficult.Noise pollution in our oceans is constantly increasing because of the increased ship traffic and also because of offshore oil drilling.In United States still doesn't exist the specific body that would regulate noise pollution on federal level.Unwanted noise causes species to communicate louder which is known as Lombard effect.Noise pollution can be tackled by many different methods such as by using noise barriers, limiting vehicle speeds, alteration of roadway surface texture, limitation of heavy vehicles, using special type of tires, etc.Many people still do not regard noise pollution as serious issue that needs more attention on local, state and international level but more like some type of annoyance which isn't so serious. This is the main reason why there are many cities in the world that do not have a single law to regulate noise.World without the excessive noise pollution coming from human sources would be a much quieter and much more beautiful place to be.The best way to begin understanding noise pollution is with information and facts about how noise is measured, when it is considered “pollution”, when it reaches dangerous levels and what exactly can be done about it. The first thing that comes to mind when people are asked about noise pollution is usually the thumping bass in a passing car. Although this is annoying it is one of the most benign of all noise pollutants and rarely causes long term harm to anyone outside of the vehicle (inside the vehicle it’s a different story).Most forms of noise pollution are of a simple annoying nature such as those inside and emanating from many buildings. Engineers have been working on ways to combat ambient sounds and white noise and there have been great strides made in building materials that allow office buildings and private homes to eliminate many of the internal and external sources of unwanted noise.
Causes of Noise Pollution
It is not easy to give an adequate noise pollution definition. Basically noise pollution would be a form of pollution done by different audio sources that either distract, irritate or damage certain environment. Noise is really any unwanted sound, some sound that isn't natural to given environment and it causes disturbance to not only natural processes but can also cause harm to human society. Noise pollution can become big environmental problem in some areas. It is not only stressful to many animals but can also cause the problems in predator/prey relation and detection, and even lead to different reproduction problems. More serious noise can even significantly reduce usable habitats for many sound-sensible animals, and can in the end even result in extinction of some species. For instance the noise pollution caused by man kills lot of sea animals, especially the ones that use the sense of hearing as the most important organ of perception like dolphins and whales. Scientists have found out that many whales and dolphins commit massive suicides by coming ashore guided by false signals that resulted from noise pollution.Noise pollution doesn't have only negative effect on animals but can also have negative impact on human health. Exposure to much noise can lead to stress, aggression, sleep disturbance, hearing loss, and different other psychological issues. Many studies have shown negative effect of noise pollution to human health, and many people these days tend to find homes in some quiet and peaceful areas with where noise levels are very low.The most common source of noise pollution is transportation, in form of motor vehicles. Some other sources like car alarms, emergency service sirens, office equipment, factory machinery, construction work, barking dogs, power tools, lighting hum, different audio systems, loudspeakers and noisy people can also cause noise pollution but motor vehicles are globally speaking dominant source of noise pollution.Noise pollution problem definitely deserves more attention from environmental point of view. Though noise pollution is not widely recognized as one of the big environmental problems noise laws still do not exist in many parts of the world. If we look at the United States for example we can see that there are federal standards for highway and aircraft noise, many states and local governments have specific statutes on building codes, urban planning and roadway development but U.S. still doesn't have a single body that would regulate noise pollution. Not one country in the world does which means that effects of noise pollution are still underestimated.In some countries different types of noise are managed by agencies responsible for the source of the noise, and so for instance transportation noise is often regulated by the relevant transportation ministry, while for instance loud music noise is a criminal offense in many areas. Basically world is still seeing noise pollution as the annoyance rather than the real problem, and this is the main reason why there aren't special bodies that would regulate noise pollution and suggest noise laws to legislative bodies.
Traffic-It is the biggest source of noise pollution in today's times, especially in urban areas. In the past few years, the rate of automobile manufacturing has increased manifold. Traffic problems created by these vehicles is an important source of noise pollution. Sound produced by the exhaust systems of trucks, autos, buses, motorcycles, etc. cause a lot of noise. The noise created by a bus or truck is 10-15 times that of a car. Use of diesel which results into high airborne vibration emission is one of the reasons why trucks and buses cause greater amount of noise. Also, the noise created by road traffic gets amplified in narrow streets.
Aircraft-The national parks and wastelands were earlier considered to be pollution free zones and people traveled to such places for relaxation. Nowadays, the sound created by low-flying military aircraft cause noise pollution in these areas too. Aerodynamic noise, the noise emanating from aircraft systems and mechanical noise are the different kinds of noise produced by an aircraft.
Industrial Noise-The machines used in industries are a major cause of noise pollution. The different machines responsible for creating noise include compressors, motors and other machinery. It is therefore recommended to grow trees in the premises of industries, which act as absorbents of noise. Trees grown in the premises of 'Tata Motors', an automobile company based in Pune (India) is the perfect example of how to reduce noise pollution in industrial belts.
Construction Equipment-The different types of machines and equipment used in the construction of roads and buildings is also an important cause of noise pollution. The machinery used for the purpose of construction includes pneumatic hammers, bulldozers, air compressors, dump trucks, loaders, sidewalk breakers, etc. is also responsible for noise pollution to a great extent.
Solutions Of Noise Pollution
- Acoustics and Noise Control of Buildings-How might an architect or engineer plan a building to reduce the influx of noise? Are there specific tricks or tips to building orientation or placement that will help? What about the interior, what can be done there? Look at the civil engineering advice given here.
- Sound Proof Construction Techniques-While technical definitions of noise pollution are based on decibel levels it is much easier to understand the principle in the colloquial sense as simply an intrusion of unwelcome sound in the environment. Are there tried and true techniques to reduce the amount of intrusive sound that enters a room or building? In fact there are. Here the most basic of these are discussed.
- Soundproofing Walls of Your Home-Do you live on a busy road? Are you woken up at all hours of the night by honking horns and screeching tires? If so, you’ll probably want to check out the soundproofing methods and products discussed here. Most of these products are easy to install and won’t break the bank.
- Types of Sound Reducing Windows-Windows are one of the weakest points in a home or office when it comes to letting noise through. Sound waves transfer through glass better than walls because they are much thinner and offer virtually no dead space to stop the sound waves. However, there are windows out there that have been designed specifically to reduce the transmission of sound.
- Reduce Home Office Noise-With the invention of the internet and the devastation wrought by the global financial crisis there has been a boom in the number of people working from home. Many of these workers forget to take into account the noise of their living space when designing a home office. Here are some helpful tips on how to reduce those noises, to create an environment that will allow you to concentrate on the work at hand.
- Hearing Impairment: Types and Causes-Although great strides have been made to deal with hearing loss here is still no way to completely reverse damage to the inner ear. Here we look at the causes of hearing impairment including a section dedicated to noise pollution and what steps can be taken to prevent this from happening in an otherwise healthy child.
- Measuring Urban Noise Pollution-We all agree that there is a point at which sounds can become annoying but at what point do they become physically harmful? Is there a way to measure this point? Does the compact nature of the urban landscape shelter people from dangerous levels of sound or does it actually amplify the sound waves and make them more dangerous?
- Noise Pollution and its Sources are Major Environmental Issues-Noise pollution, although a problem in and of itself, can actually serve as a reminder of all of the other environmentally hazardous activities that are going on in the world around us. In this piece it is suggested that noise pollution is a byproduct of other, more dangerous environmental threats and that recognizing the byproduct is the first step in finding a solution.
- Sources of Anthropogenic Noise in the Ocean-Where does underwater noise pollution come from and why should we care about it anyway. If we aren’t scuba diving, there’s little chance that we’re going to be directly affected by it, right? Wrong. This survey reveals the most common sources of ocean noise and how it hampers the migratory patterns of various fish and mammals.
- How Do Squid and Similar Marine Life React to Noise Pollution?-Recent studies suggest that some of the smartest creatures in the sea - cephalopods like the giant squid and octopus - are suffering life threatening injuries from low frequency sound waves generated by machines. Seismic air guns used for exploration are one of the major causes of this damage.
- Overcoming Public Resistance to New Wind Farms-Low frequency sound waves are not a problem limited to the underwater regions of the world. Areas near the giant turbines of wind farms often suffer a similar type of effect. The constant “wump. wump, wump” of the spinning blades can cause an auditory annoyance, but more importantly a body can actually feel the vibrations of the sound waves which leads to nausea.
good and very nice thinking.........